health and safety comes first
Keeping our staff safe and happy is our first priority at Trade Assist. We take a proactive approach, working closely with a range of partners to ensure our people are well-trained and up-to-date with any qualifications needed and go home safely.
safety is a culture
By ensuring everyone has a sense of personal responsibility and feels comfortable to openly discuss safety and report observations and concerns, ensures that preventative action can be taken to ensure accidents are avoided.
a proactive approach
At Trade Assist, we are committed to doing everything reasonably practicable to ensure that anyone who works for or with us, is not harmed and goes home safely each day. Health & Safety and injury prevention are a major part of our recruitment process. There are a number of preventative measures which Trade Assist takes to ensure the highest safety standards are met, including:
Working closely with our clients to ensure Trade Assist’s health and safety processes are well-aligned to ensure an integrated approach to creating a safe work environment.
Promoting a culture that promotes open communication with our clients and candidates.
Use of Assura Software, a safety system that allows us to effectively manage our incidents, injuries and hazards.
Assessing work sites using the Assura Software to complete Audits/Site Assessments.
Supply of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Pre-employment drug and alcohol testing.
Independent audit of our systems and processes.
ACC accreditation.
Working closely with external training organisations to ensure our staff are appropriately trained and certified for the work they are going to complete.
Engaging in collaborative and effective partnerships.